As from 28thMarch 2022 StepBridgeInt are devolving StepBridgeUK to operate under the Welsh Bridge Union, who will pay an annual licence fee to StepBridgeInt. It will operate as a separate entity, with its own constitution. All who play on StepBridgeUK will be expected to contribute to the finances of the operation, by way of a ‘table-money’ charge per event played (as is the case with all other online platforms, as well as FtoF bridge).
Casual, Teaching, and Youth events will still continue to be free.
Payments will go to StepBridgeUK, mandatory costs will be paid, and any surplus will be used for the benefit of StepBridgeUK and its members.
Method Of Payment
Players will need to purchase ‘Participation Points’: |
– 200 PPs will cost £10, but an additional 10PPs will be credited |
– 400 PPs will cost £20, but an additional 25PPs will be credited |
– 1000 PPs will cost £50 but an additional 100PPs will be credited |
These rates will be reviewed annually, and may be subject to inflationary increases. |
Ordering Participation Points. |
When ordering your PPs, you will be given an email receipt (and display), which will show the bank details, and also a 12-digit Reference Number. You will then need to pay for the order via a bank transfer, or cheque payment via your local branch (if this is not practical, please contact By whatever means you pay, you must quote the appropriateReference Number. (Periodically StepBridge will reconcile ‘ordered’ and ‘paid-for points’).
1. Go onto the StepBridge platform. Choose any tournament. Click on ‘info’ and then click on ‘Cart’ symbol (alongside ‘Participation Points’)
2. Enter your Portal, and log-in (User Name and Password). Having accessed the Portal, use the ‘->Participationpoints’ facility to order your points.
StepBridge UK Tournaments (currently four per week) |
These will be charged at 20 participation points. |
Club Tournaments |
Clubs registered with StepBridgeUK will be able to set their table-monies in any multiple of participation points. Players will use the appropriate number of participation points, to play in their Club events. Clubs will have these refunded to them less a 50p per player per event retention (so Clubs will need to charge a minimum of 10 participation points per player-play).
Membership |
All players currently registered to play on StepBridgeUK will continue to be registered. All StepBridgeUK members will automatically become Associate Members of the Welsh Bridge Union. |
Participation is not restricted to UK residents.
Payments from non UK Bank accounts may be made by Credit or Debit card using our secure payment gateways powered by Stripe or Paypal using this LINK

May I take this opportunity of thanking you for your participation in StepBridgeUK events, and hope that you continue to enjoy your online bridge at StepBridgeUK Tournaments and StepBridgeUK Clubs. |
Tony Haworth – StepBridgeUK Operations Manager. |